• Opened Legend Studio in Thomastown Australia.


  • Opened Preston studio.


  • Launched Australian Photographic Academy (Aus Photo Academy) (2014-present).
  • Opened Cool Kids Studio in Hawthorn Australia.


  • Relocated to Melbourne Australia.


  • Foto Freo 2010 Workshops Committee – Joint Chair.
  • Presented successive “sold-out” Fine Art of the Nude photography workshops in support of FotoFreo 2010.
  • Relocated to Konstanz Germany (2010-2012).


  • Solo exhibition titled “Unadorned” as part of the FotoFreo 2008 Festival Fringe.
  • Published first book of art nude titled Restrained to Released – A Personal Journey.

Unadorned Exhibition posters and flyers 2008
Unadorned Exhibition posters and flyers 2008.


  • Enrolled Bachelor Communications (Photomedia) at Edith Cowan University (2000-2002).
  • Launched Up On High Studios in Fremantle (2000-2010).


  • Relocated to Fremantle WA (1999-2010).


  • Launched Bundaberg Graphic Image Studios in the historic 700 m² former Electra Breweries Soft Drink Factory (later renamed Bundaberg Brewed Drinks) in Electra St Bundaberg (1994-1999). Bundaberg Graphic Image Studios boasted a well equiped 500 m² commercial photo studio floor as well as in-house E6 and black and white film processing and printing, in-house graphic design, desk top publishing, pre-press and short run colour printing.

Launch of Bundaberg Graphic Image Studios 1994.


A collection of Press, commercial and advertising images spanning years 1988-1998.


  • Video camera-operator for Video Highlight Productions – wedding and commercial productions (1990-1994).
  • Channel 7 camera operator (1990-1994).


  • Began working with the Coastline Newspaper Group (1989-1999).
  • Graduated with Associate Diploma of Applied Photography (1987-1989).


  • Won Olympus Vision Age International Photo Contest in Japan from 13,700 entrants globally.
  • Had first images published.
  • Registered and initiated Brett Dorron Photography in Queensland Australia.
  • Became contract photographer for APN owned Bundaberg News Mail, Drum Newspaper and later, The Guardian Newspaper (1988-1996).

Replaced Fujica camera system and third-party Sigma, Tokina and Tamron lenses with a comprehensive dual body Minolta 9000 outfit and proprietary Minolta branded lenses.
Replaced Fujica camera system and third-party Sigma, Tokina and Tamron lenses with a comprehensive dual body Minolta 9000 outfit and proprietary Minolta branded lenses and accessories.

Bundaberg barber and collector Kevin Apps, originally from Manly NSW - First image published interstate in Sydney Manly Daily (1988)
Bundaberg barber and collector Kevin Apps, originally from Manly NSW – First image published interstate in Sydney Manly Daily (1988).


  • Purchased first SLR camera which was to spark a lifelong passion.
  • Enrolled in: Associate Diploma of Applied Photography (1987-1989).

First SLR was a Fujica STX-1N
First SLR was a Fujica STX-1N.


  • Interests in photography persisted through various forms and cameras throughout school years, and by age 17, was bestowed with the nickname Tommy, short for Tommy Tourist, a tongue-in-cheek reference to stereotypical Japanese tourists, and the claim that I never went anywhere without a camera. Years later I was to realise that I had been the documenter of several of my groups of friends.

I owned various 135, 126 and 110 film cameras, including the amazing little 35mm Konica Pop
I owned various 135, 126 and 110 film cameras, including the amazing little 35mm Konica Pop.


  • First awareness of interest in photography began with an introduction to concepts of low-light, time-exposure, astro, star-trail and night time photography during a sixth year school project at ten years of age. Borrowed the family Box Brownie and did chores and odd jobs to afford film and processing.
  • First camera used creatively was Kodak Box Brownie at 10 years of age
    First camera used creatively was Kodak Box Brownie at 10 years of age.


  • Born feet first at Lady Chelmsford Hospital Bundaberg, Qld Australia.
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